Thursday, August 11, 2011

Men in Black

I am at work.  I am walking down the hallway and pass by two men I work with.  They are both wearing black shoes, black pants, black belts, and a black shirt.  Since I can’t stand silence, I decide to comment on this similarity, “Well, look, it’s the two black guys” while pointing both fingers at them.  Like the valet at the Ritz, I am getting blank stares back.  It finally clicks what I have said.  Are you ready for it?  These two men happen to be the only two black people that work at my company.  Let the backstroke begin!  “Oh, I meant, um, your outfits.  You both have all black on, see.”  Thankfully, one of them jokingly says, “Whatever Lolo, you were talking about our race” and laughs.  I proceed to nervously laugh too loud and too long at his joke and quickly walk away.

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